Friday, 18 May 2012

4 immediate hints for D3 beginners

And here is why I started this blog today: I learned a very important thing about the game which I'd love to have learned earlier. Well, if you are just starting, then consider yourself lucky - there goes hints for a new D3 player:
  1. Enable "Show advanced tooltips" option ASAP. You can find it in Options -> Gameplay.
  2. Enable "Display damage numbers" and other numbers if you like. Also available in Options -> Gameplay.
  3. Start using Auction House ASAP, don't buy items from vendors or blacksmith
  4. Focus on primary stat + gold early on. Don't salvage blue for essences - sell it. Don't build "Magic find" or "Health from globes" or any other stat - "Gold find" is best (early on). 
There are two base ideas behind these hints.

Firstly if you anywhere like me, it is super important to understand how your spells work and what's your damage throughput. Since game is item-centric, you need to know exactly how those items help to do more damage, so you can enjoy collecting items, improving your build and seeing the results.

Secondly, AH is a beast. Since there are tons of players going through Normal difficulty right now it's flooded with Rare items that are cheap and vastly better than what you can get from merchants. Even later on, when your blacksmith will start making rare items for you (after soaking thousands of gold for training) it's worse than AH, because there you will find all same items with a choice of stats that you need for a reasonable price. Thus my honest recommendation is to focus on gold mining and studying how AH works.

Enjoy your game!


  1. These tips are so normal non-hardcore crap. Sell magic items? Don't level up blacksmith? Don't take magic find? Dude, you should really learn the game before post anything. :)

  2. It's the best advice you can get for normal Act I play. If you don't like it, go read other site :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. One bonus advice: somewhere on lvl 25-30 you will get to the point where you have to enable Options -> Game play -> Elective mode. It allows you to shuffle spells and use two spells from the same group (most likely "Defensive") simultaneously!
