Sunday, 20 May 2012

Diablo III and your graphics card

I was planning to get a new graphics card for D3. My current one is OK (Geforce GTX 260), but have one nasty issue - whenever it heats up it doesn't adjust the cooling automatically (cooler spin rate) so I have to do it manually via RivaTuner every time I play graphics-intensive game. If I don't do that, then card heats above 75 C and graphics in a game "crashes" (start showing random artefacts). For SC2 I set cooler to ~70% of max speed. For LoL I leave on default 40%..

It became much worse in Diablo, where it started crashing sometimes even under 100% :( I refused to reduce graphics quality for this game and almost became desperate (cause I want to play and not wait for newegg delivery!), when I found the solution! Few changes to the D3 video settings reduced heating to stable ~66C and didn't make game look any much worse:

  1. shadows OFF (biggest win) 
  2. foreground frame rate 80 (cause I don't think 150 is really needed?)
  3. Anti-aliasing OFF (not sure this one really needed, by I didn't notice much of difference anyway)
Voila! I can keep playing on "High" settings and delay my new video card purchase :)

P.S. There was a funniest crash one time, when I start seeing "Temporary art" textures in a game which is normally hidden somewhere under permanent textures ;)

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